Attention Solopreneurs and Aspiring Entrepreneurs. If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your business efforts, you’re not alone—but you don’t have to stay there…

Discover Your Entrepreneurial Purpose, Turn It Into Your Present Reality, and Deliver on Unkept Promises … to Your Loved Ones and Yourself!

Working with Charles is a wonderful experience. His years of business knowledge, helped me fine tune my projects and keep them on track and budget. His calm and patient personality was key to staying on topic. Would highly recommend working with Charles.

Carlton Dickens

From DREAM to DO to DONE

Stop settling for the status quo, and learn how to achieve those dreams that seem just out of reach…

It’s an all-too-common scenario. An aspiring entrepreneur with valuable gifts and a passion for his mission begins to build a business.

He studies available training materials.

He attends webinars and in-person events.

He dreams of the day he can leave his job behind and achieve the success he sees so many others in his niche realizing.

And yet, months—or even years—later, he's still spending his lunch hour reading business books, while his entrepreneurial plans just haven’t taken off.

What went wrong? Did he lack the desire to do the work? The skills? The confidence?

No. What he was really missing was a plan … and accountability to follow through.

Only a Carefully Executed Plan Turns Dreams to Reality

Here’s the thing. All the dreaming in the world won’t build a business. You have to take the steps to turn those dreams into your reality. And that’s where the perpetual dreamers get stuck.

You see, it’s hard to find the path from where you are now to where you want to be. There are hundreds—maybe thousands—of false trails. There are pitfalls and hidden obstacles along the way.

And unless you have an accurate map, a star to guide you, and a pre- determined destination … you will continue to keep losing your way.

Dreams Become Goals, Goals Become Tasks, Tasks Build Businesses

That sounds easy, doesn’t it? And on the face of it, it is.

You can, after all, turn your six-figure dream into monthly and weekly and even daily income goals. So far, so good.

But then what? What specific tasks need to be done to achieve those goals? And maybe more importantly, how will you do them?

That’s where the real trouble lies. It’s not in sketching out a rough map. It’s forging the path and staying true to your goals without becoming distracted that will trip you up and leave you endlessly dreaming and never quite doing.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. So many promising entrepreneurs stay stuck in their dreams in exactly the same way, but you don’t have to.


From Dream to Done!

This easy-to-follow, 4-module course is packed with ideas and actionable steps designed to help you effortlessly move from dreamer to successful entrepreneur.

No more struggling to find the path. No more getting lost or sidetracked. No more settling for less than you deserve.

No more daydreaming. Because who needs dreams when your reality is exactly what you’ve always wanted?

Here's What We'll Cover...

Module 1: Building the Business of Your Dreams

It all starts here. You know exactly where you want to be. All you need is a path, and that’s what module one is all about. You’ll discover…

  • The one element that determines your ultimate success—and it’s not money or skills or experience or even drive.

  • The 3 essential components of every successful small business—and they have nothing to do with your clients.

  • 6 common roadblocks that threaten to derail your entrepreneurial ambitions—and how to get past them quickly and painlessly.

  • 3 critical financial considerations—get this right, and money will no longer be an issue (and how freeing with THAT be?)

  • How to track your progress—and turn your tracking into a driving force!

  • The one question you must be asking yourself at every step—even if you do nothing else, this one step will have a profound effect.

Module 2: DREAM BIGGER: What do you REALLY Want out of Your Life?

Would it surprise you to learn that we are often our own worst enemy? If you’re struggling to achieve phenomenal success, perhaps it’s just that you’re not reaching high enough.

In module 2, we’ll break the glass ceiling that’s holding you back, with:

  • A rock-solid business plan—even if you already have one, do not skip this step. It’s the foundation of everything to come.

  • How to know you’re on the right path—this one simple question will guide every step!

  • A beautiful case study on branding—when you nail your branding, you’ll be truly unstoppable, and this business definitely got it right!

  • How and why you must consider health in your overall business plan—and not just yours!

  • 4 must-have business-manual elements—this one step may someday save you from disaster.

  • How to save time, money and energy in everything you do—because you have far more important things to do than to waste time on boring, low level tasks.

  • The essential difference between short- and long-term goals—and why you absolutely must have both if you want to be wildly successful.

  • Why it’s critical to your success that you get out of the house—and we don’t mean just going to the grocery store.

Module 3: Turn Those Dreams Into Goals

It’s fun to dream, but dreams don’t get done. Before you can reach your dream destination, you first have to transform your fantasies into actionable goals.

In module 3, we’ll walk through exactly how to do that, including...

  • How to “work backwards” from your big goal to the smallest task—just learning this one skill will dramatically multiply your success rate.

  • The question you MUST ask yourself—the answer may just be enough to turn your dreams into a powerful driving force.

  • How to handle a change of heart—even the most driven, passionate entrepreneurs can find themselves at a crossroads…here’s how to resolve it!

  • How to avoid letting fear of success derail your efforts—simply being able to recognize it for what it is can help (I’ll show you how).

  • How to successfully assess and manage your risks—and how to know exactly what to be on the lookout for.

  • 6 things to consider before you outsource—and how to start small so you don’t create more chaos than you solve.

  • How to create and manage timesaving systems without hiring expensive contractors—for many new business owners, this is exactly what’s needed to reach their goals without breaking the bank.

Module 4: Make it Happen

Module 4 is where the magic happens. You’ve turned your dreams into goals. You’ve created a plan. You’ve put the systems in place.

All that remains is to do the work. Unfortunately, this is where we often get cold feet. Module 4 helps you make great progress with...

  • 7 common pitfalls entrepreneurs face—and how to overcome them.

  • Why (and how) to prepare for success—skip this step, and you’ll be out of business before you even begin.

  • Why the wrong client is worse than no client at all—and how to attract your ideal customer with ease.

  • How to earn more income without doing more work—this is the key to ultimate freedom and a true dream business.

  • How to easily create new products—without re-inventing the wheel each time.

  • 6 tips for working at home more efficiently—because it’s harder than it looks.

  • Why accountability is critical—and some innovative ways to keep yourself on track.

  • How to prioritize your day so you can maximize your success—and the answer might just surprise you.

Stop Dreaming. Start Living!

Dreams are great. They give us something to look forward to and help us get past the rough spots.

But if all you do is dream, then you’ll soon discover that your dreams have lost their luster.

Do not give up! The rewards of building a business you love and having the freedom to spend time with your family or travel are just too great.

And I’m here to tell you, it CAN happen for you.

Get started today turning those dreams into your reality!

Here’s to turning those future dreams into your present reality!

Here's What's Included...

  • 4 Power-Packed Multimedia Rich Modules (Self-Learning by your schedule)

  • Bonus Supplements (to aid in your implementation efforts)

  • Live Hands-On Workshops (you won't just learn, we'll help you DO)

  • Watch, Read, Listen (Consume how you learn best)

  • Unlimited Course Access for all active accounts

  • New Courses added Monthly

P.S. This course is backed by my 100% guarantee. If by the end of the second live session, you don't feel you already received the full value of the amount paid, simply email me for a fast, courteous refund.

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What They Say

Hear from past participants who took their Dreams from Do to Done.

Thank you for putting a great course together. This has been awesome. It was well worth the time and effort. There is so much good stuff in there ... so much I had never thought of. I'm really, really pleased with everything you have in there. It's great. Really good stuff. Thank you.

Tommie Zabrowski

Working with Charles is a wonderful experience. His years of business knowledge, helped me fine tune my projects and keep them on track and budget. His calm and patient personality was key to staying on topic. Would highly recommend working with Charles.

Carlton Dickens

I really appreciated Charles' easy style of relating to each member of the group, allowing each to share their opinions and ideas in response to his teachings. He encouraged the members to take steps outside their comfort zone by setting goals and determining how they would achieve them.

Fran Watson

Office: Palm Coast, FL

Call 386-387-7687


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